Maths Games for Children (7 – 14 years) – Sally Raymond
Over the years Dyslexia Cornwall has had a close working link with Sally Raymond who is qualified and experienced in the subject of dyslexia.
As a parent of a dyslexic daughter (who is now 29 years old), Sally understands the anxieties, frustrations and confusions often faced by families. Her training in this area provides her with the knowledge and understanding she wishes she had when her daughter was younger. Sally has written a number of books and enjoys her work working with all ages of learner, their parents and practitioners.
During these unprecedented times, Sally has kindly agreed to share examples of the maths games she has used over the years with children to help them manage their dyslexia. They are not age-related because something pitched at a 7 year old may well suit a different child of 14.
The language maths is vitally important, and the area most dyslexic children struggle with.
Sally hopes that parents using our website will look at the games and pick one they believe matches their children’s needs.
Here are three maths games to get you started. Click on the individual links for instructions for each game. Enjoy.
Sally would welcome feedback from anyone who has a go at playing these games.
If you would like to learn more about Sally’s work why not visit her website Dragonfly Teaching.